
Fur Set (3-piece)

Coyote, Persian Lamb, Raccoon, Mink, and Rabbit(Leather and Faux Leather also available)

159,00 379,00  including 19% VAT. Plus delivery.

Individualise your jacket with our attachable/detachable Fur Set. Each Set consists of a Fur Collar, Fur Ruff, and Fur Yoke. These accessories can be affixed to any of our jackets via our “Detouch” button row. Their calfskin backing ensures a snug fit to your jacket. All our furs are sourced in Western Europe in accordance with strict EU animal protection regulations.

You can custom configure your Fur Set below.**

Please use the following as a guide:

In Step 1 FUR RUFF under ‘Available Options’ you can decide whether you would like to order a strip of fur trim for the front of your hood. There you will find a preview of what is on offer. Please choose which style you would like for the Fur Ruff – fur, artificial fur, or leather.

When this is complete, click on the ‘Fur Collar’ button to continue to Step 2 FUR COLLAR. As in Step 1, you can then decide whether you would like to order a fur collar.

Afterwards you can similarly order a fur yoke in Step 3 FUR YOKE.

Finally, in Step 4 REVIEW CONFIGURATION you will see a summary of the options you have chosen. You can then add these to your shopping basket to complete your purchase.

**To order individual pieces please follow the links below:

Fur Ruff
Fur Collar
Fur Yoke

Measurments: 60 cm x 20 cm x 6-18 cm
Weight: 0,56 kg

SKU: N/A Material Guides: ,
  • F-SIS Logo

* This delivery time is valid only for standard delivery within Germany. For delivery times for other shipping methods or delivery times to other countries please click on Shipping Conditions


Our Fur Sets protect you from the snow, wind and rain in the most challenging weather conditions.

Each Fur Set consists of a Fur Ruff (1), Fur Collar (2), and Fur Yoke (3).

Each piece in the Set is an S-H F-SIS (Fur Set Individualisation System) Certified Product, custom tailored for attachment compatibility with all products bearing the F-SIS Logo; e.g., Outdoor Parka, Casual Jacket, Bomber Jacket, and College Jacket, among others.

To order garments with Fur attached please see all S-H F-SIS (Fur Set Individualization System) Certified Product pages.

The Fur Set pieces are backed with water-resistant calfskin of the highest quality.

All our furs are sourced in Western Europe in accordance with strict EU animal protection regulations.

Fur Ruff (1)

Fur Ruff

The Fur Ruff is designed to keep falling snow away from the face. Furthermore, the snow beads on the surface of the fur, in contrast to woven material, allowing it to shed more and absorb less.

As an S-H F-SIS (Fur Set Individualisation System) Certified Product, the Fur Ruff is custom tailored for attachment compatibility with the following jackets: Outdoor Jacket, Casual Jacket, College Jacket, and Bomber Jacket.

Fur Collar (2)

Persian Lamb

Fur Ruff (1)

Fur Yoke (3)

Persian Lamb